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Interior Art from Allie Finkle's Blast from the Past

Meg Cabot

Date of Birth: February 1st
Civility - Expressing polite and courteous conduct toward others in words and action.

Meg Cabot Meg is the author of the Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls and many other well known series such as the New York Times bestselling series The Princess Diaries, which were made into the wildly popular Disney movies of the same name.

She was born on February 1, 1967, during the Chinese astrological year of the Fire Horse, a notoriously unlucky sign. Fortunately she grew up in Bloomington, Indiana, where few people were aware of the stigma of being a Fire Horse—at least until Meg became a teenager, when she flunked freshman Algebra twice, then decided to cut her own bangs. After six years as an undergrad at Indiana University, Meg moved to New York City to pursue a career as an illustrator, at which she failed miserably, forcing her to turn to her favorite hobby—writing novels—for emotional succor. She worked various jobs to pay the rent, including a decade-long stint as the assistant manager of a 700-bed freshmen dormitory at NYU, a position she still occasionally misses.

Meg currently divides her time between Key West, Indiana, and New York City with a primary cat (one-eyed Henrietta), various back-up cats, and her husband, who doesn't know he married a Fire Horse. Please don't tell him.

Scholastic Scholastic Press
Copyright ©2010 by Meg Cabot, LLC. Used with permission of Scholastic Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.
Meg Cabot photo by Ali Smith
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